by Ian | Jan 18, 2019 | Gallery, Google Photos Plugin, News, WordPress Plugin
In this latest release of the WordPress plugin Google Photos Pro we have added three new shortcodes to consume Google Photos API. These are important as they will be key to keeping your photos displayed on your WordPress site when Google turn off Google Picasa API...
by Ian | Apr 28, 2017 | Gallery, Google Photos Plugin, Support
Want to Display your Google Photos on your WordPress Site? Head over to and download Google Photos Gallery with Shortcodes It has all the expected types of display including grid, list and carousel, but one of the most popular if the Justified Image...
by Ian | Jan 18, 2017 | Google Photos Plugin, News, Support
We have released the latest version of Google Photos for WordPress Plugin v3.0.8 It includes various small improvements. == Changelog == = 3.0.8 = Fixed bug where if no theme option was provided in certain shortcodes in could result in feed error notice Added...
by Ian | Jan 18, 2017 | Google Photos Plugin, Support
If you are interested in the setup of Google Photos for WordPress plugin, take a look at this great video kindly created by a customer and uploaded to YouTube. It clearly show the download and basic setup of the plugin. Allow your sites’ administrators to add...
by Ian | Oct 25, 2016 | Google Photos Plugin, News
Our latest release of Google Photos Plugin for WordPress v2.3.3 includes a fantastic new options for viewing your lovely images Justified Image Gallery. Have a look at it in action below: [cws_gpp_images_by_albumid id=”6333552378899462833″...
by Ian | Oct 20, 2016 | Google Photos Plugin, News
Our latest release of Google Photos Plugin for WordPress v2.3.1 includes the option to enable users to download the original image file. This has been a much asked for feature and we are delighted to bring this option to...